Frequently asked questions

Q: When is the Hill Climb?

A: The actual “race” is always the First Sunday of October, with the festival beginning the Friday before.

Q: Where can I find a schedule of events?

A: Right here on our schedule page.

Q: What is the Hill Climb?

A: An uphill race again the clock for antique cars, trucks and motorcycles, in classes set up to “equalize” the chances of being the best.

Q: What does the winner of the Hill Climb receive?

A: There are many winners: 32 classes of cars, trucks and motorcycles in Hill Climb competition, plus “special” awards; Top 40 awards for Car Show judging; Pretty Baby Contest; Big Wheel Race; Parade. Overall, we award more than 125 trophies.

Q: Is there lodging or camping nearby?

A: Some limited camping spaces on private lots is available in Newport; there is 180 PRIMITIVE camping spots (at $20 per day) in the field parking area. The Newport FIRE DEPT. takes case of the camping & parking in the field. Most “modern” camping and hotel/motel/B&B facilities are in nearby Parke and Vigo counties in Indiana and in Danville, Illinois.

More info here


Q: Does it cost to get in or park?

A: There is a $10 Parking/Admission charge, which benefits the Newport Volunteer Fire Department, the Newport Lions Club and the Town of Newport.


Q: Is the festival handicap accessible?

A: Yes. If special accommodations are needed, contact our office at 765-492-4220.


Q: Who sponsors the Hill Climb and why?

A: The Newport Lions Club has sponsored the Hill Climb since 1968 as a fund-raiser and to preserve and promote the antique auto heritage and Newport’s role in the development of early automotive designs.


Q: How can I buy tickets on the Raffle vehicle?

A: Send a check or money order with your name, address and most importantly, YOUR PHONE NUMBER to Newport Lions Club, PO Box 398, Newport, IN 47966. Tickets are 6 for $5 or 25 for $20. We can’t accept credit cards for raffle tickets. You must send a SASE (self addressed STAMPED envelope) if you want your ticket stubs returned to you, send an extra $5 to cover postage and handling costs if you purchase several tickets.


Q: Do I need to be present to win the Raffle Vehicle?

A: No. If you’re not present, we will call you (which is why including your phone number is important) live on the P.A. immediately after the drawing. So please watch your language!


Q: How can I get my car in the event?

A: You can fill them out and submit them online registration & forms here, OR, show up with your car Hill Climb weekend, before 10 a.m. Sunday.


Q: Can I bring my dog?

A: Due to past incidents with safety and damages to property, dogs other than certified service animals are not allowed in Car Show or Competition areas or flea market vendor areas.


Q: Can I bring a golf cart to ride around in?

A: Golf carts and ATV’s are not allowed in Car Show, Competition Car or Flea Market areas per a Newport Town Ordinance. Handicapped motorized wheelchairs and scooters are an exception.


Q: I have a ’53 Pontiac and my brother has a ’52 Oldsmobile. Those are discontinued makes, why can’t we run the Hill Climb?

A: Those makes were still in production in 1970 and beyond.


Q: Can I run my 1986 Corvette Indy Pace Car up the hill?

A: No. Hill Climb competition is limited to 1942 and older stock automobiles and trucks; and discontinued makes (that ceased production prior to 1970) through 1955; and Non-OHV motorcycles through 1953. The car show entries are limited to vehicles 1970 and older.


Q: Why do you need my phone number on my raffle ticket entry?

A: In case you’re not present when we draw your winning ticket, we will call you live on the P.A. in front of the crowd. Watch your language!


Q: Do I have to pay taxes on the raffle vehicle if I win?

A: That depends on which state you live in and what their tax laws and vehicle registration requirements are. The sale price of the vehicle is listed as the highest price for one ticket, $1


Q: How many raffle tickets do you sell?

A: All of them, hopefully! There is no set number of tickets printed; this is one of our major fund-raisers, so we’ll print as many as we can sell!